
Do you know someone who will have a baby and doesn’t know its name? Check out this app!

Chossing a baby's name can be a very difficult task! Discover in this article some apps that can help you choose your baby's name.


Choosing a name for your new baby no longer has to be a headache or cause for dispute with your spouse. Like any other human being, a name will be given to the new member of the family and will accompany him throughout his life. In most cases, this choice will be between the child’s father and mother, each with their own preferences.

Now, imagine how confusing this must be in many families; since this is not a choice made by just one person, it can be difficult to reach a consensus. Believe me, I have seen cases where, by the week the baby was born, the name was still undefined! It may seem comical from the outside, but the truth is that this lack of definition can be a cause of anguish for the couple.

So how about making this decision with your partner a fun way to interact and even find a name that perhaps neither of you had thought of?

Well, you should know that there are already several apps to help parents choose a baby’s name. Check out this list:

Kick to pick

This application lets your baby choose his or her own name. Make a shortlist of favorite names or leave it to chance and pop your phone on your baby bump. Then press start on the app and wait until your baby chooses the name with a kick.


This app works like tinder for choosing a baby name. Designed to be used by two people, this app has a list of names where you swipe to the right to indicate the ones you like. Sliding to the left, you indicate the ones you don’t want. If your partner likes the same name, Match! That way you’ll find the preferred name for both of you. Just like that. No arguments.


This app is great for people who like statistics and want to know everything about their chosen name. It also offers a wealth of information, such as origin, meaning, pronunciation, most popular time and place, and even suggests similar names. And the most curious thing about this app is that it will tell you the professional leanings of each name.

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O Nymbler não está disponível como app, apenas na versão para navegador. It suggests a list of names, for each gender, according to some name you put as inspiration. And if you don’t like any of them, no problem, just click on the stork image to receive new suggestions.

Astrological Baby Names Finder

If you’re partial to a celestial baby name or astrology signs and their meaning, give this Astrological Baby Names Finder a whirl – but keep in mind it all could change if your baby decides to arrive early or make a late entrance.

Name generator

Type your name into this brilliant name generator and it will tell you how popular your name was the year you were born. Based on that number, it will tell you what your name would’ve been if you were born today. So, use that as your baby name.

Now it’s easy, isn’t it? Make peace with your spouse once and for all. If, however, you already have a name for your child, send this article to someone you know who is in doubt.

I must admit that even though I’m not expecting a baby, I’m already rushing to test all these apps.

About the author  /  Marcelo Lopes


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