
SANDF – ¡Puedes ganar hasta R 13 000 mensuales!

¡Las Fuerzas de Defensa Nacional de Sudáfrica pueden ser una excelente opción para un novato que quiera comenzar y desarrollar una carrera!


A place where you can begin your career and improvement path

Learn how to apply right away! Source: Google Images

The South African armed forces are collectively known as the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).

An officer-designated Chief of the SANDF is in charge of overall command (CSANDF).


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The sole General or Admiral in the SANDF, appointed from any of the Arms of Service, reports to the Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs, who is in charge of the Department of Defense.

Also, there is The National Defence Force Service Commission (NDFSC), a body that would advise the Minister of Defense and Military Veterans on ways to enhance the working conditions for South African National Defence Force personnel, was established permanently in 2010 as part of a Defense Amendment Bill (SANDF).
The Chiefs of the Service Arms, the Chief of Defense Intelligence, and the Chief of Joint Operations are all members of the Commission.

The SANDF is composed of the following four armed services:

  • Army of South Africa
  • South African Air Force
  • Navy of South Africa
  • Service for Military Health in South Africa

All joint operations involving any or all of the four services must be coordinated by the Joint Operations Division.

If you have interested in applying for any part of the SANDFs, you should be reading our article and learn how to apply for it!

What do you need to apply for the SANDF?

You can join the South Africa Reserve Force Division for both paths:

Either through direct recruitment, which only applies to people with specialized skills, like IT specialists, diesel mechanics, and engineers.

Or through the Military Skills Development System (MSDS), a two-year voluntary service program that allows young South African citizens to serve in uniform.

The following criteria must be met in order for you to be eligible for the MSDS program:

  • Be a citizen of South Africa.
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 22 (Graduates up to the age of 26 years).
  • Either be working on or finished the National Senior Certificate (Grade 12).
  • Not be restricted to a certain location.
  • Have no prior convictions for any crimes.
  • Be single (preferable)
  • Meet the conditions for medical fitness to serve in the South African National Defense Force.
  • Be ready to participate in Basic Military Training, Functional Training, and uniformed service.

The following qualifications must be met in order to join the army reserve through direct recruitment:

  • Be a citizen of South Africa.
  • Physically, psychologically, and combat-ready.
  • When signing up for the first time, you must be between the ages of 18 and 26 (the minimum age varies depending on the type of training/service).
  • Candidates who have the necessary professional or vital skill certifications are exempt from this age restriction.
  • Must have the qualities and credentials necessary for training.
  • Must be able to carry out the responsibilities of the position for which you are applying.
  • If you have a job, your employer must be willing to give you extraordinary leave for military obligations as long as the conditions are appropriate.
  • Have a clean criminal record.

New hires receive training, but because of the way the system is designed, shorter, more adaptable modules are used to provide longer courses.

You may be required by other bodies to already hold the necessary credentials. For instance, a candidate needs to have knowledge of aviation to join the Air Force Reserves.

How to apply for SANDF?


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  • You can find an application for the SANDF in the newspaper or online.
  • Fill in the blanks with the appropriate information, being careful to provide accurate information.
  • The completed application form should be sent together with your resume and any other documents, such as a copy of your ID card and enrollment certificate.
  • Send the required paperwork via mail to the address on the application.

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