Lists and Curiosities

Bees: one of the most underestimated animals out there

Bees are as old as human itself, and there are very important to the nature's balance. Check out about these amazing insects.


Bees are often seen as little more than a nuisance, but they are actually one of the most important and hardworking animals on the planet.

They play a vital role in the pollination of crops and plants, and without them, the world would be a very different place.

Today, we are going to understand deeply how important these insects are on the planet.

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What is a bee, scientifically speaking?

The western honey bee is the species of bee that is most well-known for producing honey. The wingless insects known as bees are related to ants, wasps, and wasps.
They are essential for pollination.

The superfamily Apoidea contains the monophyletic lineage of bees.
They are currently thought to be members of the clade Anthophila. Bees are divided into more than 16,000 distinct species and seven recognized biological groups.

Most species (>90%) are solitary, including mason bees, carpenter bees, leafcutter bees, and sweat bees.

 Some species, such as honey bees, bumblebees, and stingless bees, live socially in colonies.

Why Bees are so important?

Bees are a component of biodiversity that is essential to the existence of all species.

They offer premium foods including honey, royal jelly, and pollen as well as other items like beeswax, propolis, and honey bee venom.

Sacred passages about bees in all the world’s major faiths underscore their value to human cultures across millennia, as noted in the ground-breaking 2019 report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).

Our Health

Honey is one of the main reasons why people adore bees, despite the fact that not all bees produce it. It is a healthy natural sweetener with a number of possible advantages.

People have employed bees and bee-related products for therapeutic purposes ever since the dawn of time. Its claims to have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antioxidant and anti-cancer properties have been noted by researchers.

Traditional medicine uses honey to treat a variety of ailments. Despite the fact that many of these applications lack scientific backing, they comprise:

  • Eye conditions
  • Infections of the throat and lungs
  • Tuberculosis
  • Thirst
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Hepatitis
  • Constipation
  • Invasion of worms
  • Hemorrhoids

Beeswax is another important material that has historically been used for waterproofing and fuel. It now has health benefits and is found in plenty of skincare products. Additionally, the pharmaceutical sector employs it in ointments.

Pollination: Bee Movie was right after all

In recent years, it has become clear that the value of bee preservation may not be solely based on honey output.
This is due to the fact that bees are crucial to pollination because they move large grains of pollen between plants using their body hair.
Nearly 75% of crops provide better outcomes when animals help with pollination.

The majority of animals, including bees, pollinate both domesticated and wild plants. More than 90% of the top 107 crops on earth are visited by them.

In other words, bees are essential to the growth of many plants, notably food crops.


Bees are incredibly intelligent, and humans have drawn inspiration from their social relationships and mannerisms in a variety of pursuits.

For instance, researchers have suggested that experts drafting emergency plans to evacuate people from congested regions would benefit from studying bee behavior.

By observing honeybee dances, scientists can determine where environmental changes are taking place.


As pollinators, makers of honey and medical goods, and pollinators, bees are important to the culture and the environment.

 For plants to reproduce and fertilize one another, pollen must flow from plant to plant.

Both domesticated and swarming bees influence the quantity and quality of vegetation; when they are healthy, crops also prosper.

In terms of food security, bees are essential. However, bee welfare and population are declining globally, therefore protecting them is crucial to preserving human well-being.

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