
How to spot constellations and stars with these apps

Looking at the sky is one of the first things humans have done and should keep doing it. Here are some apps to help enjoy these moments.


Ever since our early history, mankind has been fascinated by the stars and the sky. We have looked up at the stars and gazed at them in wonder, trying to understand their secrets.

 For centuries, we have used the stars to navigate our way across the world. Today, we continue to look to the stars, but now we also use telescopes and other technology to help us understand more about the universe.

We have learned so much about the stars and the planets, and we continue to explore the universe in the hopes of uncovering even more of its secrets.

Among these technologies, we have the help of apps that can help us take a better look and give us a better understanding of what is above us.

So, we are going to present some apps that can help you look at the stars and the sky with a more complete point of view.

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Google Sky

Not necessarily an app, but we could not forget about this amazing feature.

Through the “eyes” of the Hubble Space Telescope, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, and the Digitized Sky Survey, Google Sky allows you to explore the furthest regions of space.

On PC or mobile, you can explore the abundance of knowledge that is freely accessible.

Learn more about the solar system, constellations, galaxies, and nebulae as well as x-ray, ultraviolet, and infrared views of the universe by clicking through the tray at the bottom of the screen.

You can also view Giovanni Maria Cassini’s sketches of the sky by sliding bars.

Additionally, you may use the search box to look up a planet’s name to see where it is in the sky at a particular time.


This excellent program, which is a mobile version of the well-known open-source desktop app, is renowned for the caliber of its constellation graphics. But unlike its Windows and Mac equivalents, you have to pay for it. This is reasonable because programmers also need to eat and pay bills.

Even while it lacks some elegance in its design, it accurately uses GPS to locate you and displays the sky above you, so the sky you see on your phone will be a good representation of the sky above you.

You can find and name your favorite constellations and planets, monitor satellites as they move across the sky, and access lore and facts about the stars and planets you choose, including myths from many cultures. You may also discover and label your favorite constellations and planets.


On iOS, the Skyview app costs $3, and on Android, it costs $2, however both feature a free light version.

 Simply point your device at the sky to start using Skyview, and you may begin recognizing galaxies, stars, constellations, planets, and even the International Space Station.

You may use the app at any time because it has a night mode and an augmented reality feature.

You may track objects in space using the Sky Path feature of the app to view their precise locations at any given moment and date.

 Additionally, Skyview has a time-travel feature that allows users to see what the sky might have looked like in the past and in the future.

In the world that we live in, sometimes we are so deep in our tasks and in our routines that we simply forgot to stop, take a deep breath and look above to enjoy the spectacle above.

We hope that with this app, you can feel like maybe one of your ancestors, and can marvel at the beauty Mother Nature created above us.

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