
Peak- This app can help you train your brain

Sometimes we forget to train one of the most important muscles: our brain. Here is an app that can help improve this area.


Our brain is like a muscle, it needs some training to keep it sharp. Many people think that their everyday jobs already help them improve their brains.

That may be true, but only for some time, and in some limited areas, for example, it is true that a physicist may have a very developed area of the brain regarding mathematical and analytical thought.

However, his memories skill may be developed, but not as good as a private investigator, for example, who needs to recall very specific details from crude observation.

 Probably the latter have more observation and memorization skills. The point here is: that if we do not take care of our many brain areas related to different kinds of intelligence.

Not only that, we need a plan that keeps improving the difficulties of the tasks, so we don’t fall into a plateau regarding on our brain skills.

With all said and done, we need an app that can train different areas of the brain, but also can scan what is our level in these areas, so it can recommend exercises that are challenging, yet not impossible and frustrating for our levels.

Well, it’s safe to say that the best app that features all of this exists, and its name is Peak.

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Peak – The brain training app

Peak is an app that works pretty much like your regular gym or home exercises apps: you make an account (generally with your apple or google account) and make some leveling test, allowing you to get a hint on where your brain abilities are.

After that, Peak is able to personalize a training developed especially for you, in the same fashion as we discussed earlier: simple activities with increasing difficulties, regarding very different areas related to the brain: memory, mathematics.

There are even exercises to help you concentrate, a very important skill if you take into consideration how in today’s world, we have a lot of things that can make our attention shift pretty quickly.

After some time, the app itself will create a comprehensive map brain that allows you to keep track of your skills. Therefore, you will see which areas you don’t have many wits and need improving.

All and all, it is an amazing app that has almost unlimited puzzles. It is a great option for a person that spends most of his day on a train or a bus and wants to use this free time on something productive.

You can talk to other people and improve your social skills, read and learn something new, use Peak and improve your brain.

The downside

The major downside of Peak is that the app is a freemium, but it tends to kind of obligate you on owning the app. Peak’s free version allows you to make one exercise a day only, which is not enough for a person to effectively improve their brain skills.

So, in order to really see major improvements in your brain skill, you need to acquire the premium version of the app.

However, many people see the price as reasonable, considering the absurd number of exercises and personalization Peak has to offer.


Despite this freemium “problem”, definitely Peak is an app that can sure help you with your brain skills.

In today’s world, we need to be able to think faster and smarter than ever before, sometimes we are not in touch with how weak we are in some aspects.

But I guess the best way to show Peak’s achievement, is this testimony on the apps page on the Apple store:

“Wow… I’m so glad I found this app. I was in a bad car accident a year and a half ago and my brain got seriously smashed up. As a result my memory (mostly short term) and math skills disappeared.

I’ve been using Peak for about 2 months and I see significant changes in my memory abilities.

Just a few weeks ago I was still telling any new person I talked to that I might lose my train of thought and I always felt self-conscious about my memory skills because it was so apparent when you spoke with me that they still hadn’t recovered.

And just yesterday I realized that I haven’t had to excuse my poor memory to anyone lately, and in fact I go days where I don’t remember it’s an issue (not because my memory is bad but because it’s no longer such a problem!).

And because of this app I actually learned that my math skills disappeared. I always just thought my mind was being lazy but when I saw it first hand how hard it was for me to do simple math on this app I saw the problem

. It was really troubling and embarrassing when I realized – I used to be good at math – but I’ve been slowly getting better.

So essentially this app has been my brain rehab! And I couldn’t be more happy about my progress! Thank you!!!”

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