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KFC - Earn up to R9,953 per month!


If you are the kind of person looking for a job at one of the biggest fast food chains in the world, well... you can work at KFC and do just that. With a very solid career plan combined with good benefits, KFC can be a good option if you are looking for your first job or are looking for a workplace with great possibilities for growth!


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Therefore, KFC could be your best job option if you want to work in the fast food industry, whether it is one of your first jobs or if you want a job that offers you career opportunities. Take a look at our review of working conditions at KFC. Check out our blog on how to apply if you're already convinced!

Flexible work hours
Free meals for workers
Paid Holidays/vacation
Private healthcare

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KFC only accepts online applications. In order to prevent someone from getting lost or forgotten, they can store all of the applications together.

There is no restriction on how many positions you can apply for. Simply choose all of the locations and positions on the map view that you are interested in applying for, and your application will be submitted to all of the positions you have chosen.

When you apply online, you can add a resume or a school report, but doing so is optional.

The evaluation helps KFC determine how you may respond in various scenarios if you are hired by KFC. Additionally, it gives them a better understanding of who you are and aids in their decision-making when choosing a new team member.

KFC will email you immediately to thank you for your interest in working for them and to let you know what to expect next.

Do you want to take a look at another job?

Also, if you to take a look at another fast food where you can work, you should be considering Applying to Nando's.

It has an amazing environment, and also you can earn up to R 18 118 as a restaurant manager!

How to apply at Nando’s – Earn up to R 18 118...

Learn how to apply and work at Nando's, the popular South African restaurant chain known for its peri-peri chicken and casual atmosphere

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