
Revisión de trabajadores de Under Armour: ¡$31K por año para puestos de nivel inicial!

¡Under Armour es un excelente lugar para trabajar si buscas un lugar donde puedas equilibrar tu vida personal y tu carrera!


Learn more about this amazing footwear company!

Is Under Armour the right place for you? Source: Google Images

Since its founding in 1996, Under Armour has developed into a well-known sportswear brand, recognized for its cutting-edge performance clothing, accessories, and footwear.


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It’s important for anyone thinking about working for this innovative company to comprehend the benefits offered to employees as well as the work environment.

This post will give a brief synopsis of Under Armour, look at the range of career options, and emphasize the advantages of working for this progressive organization.

Find out why Under Armour can be the ideal environment for you to succeed, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out.

Una breve descripción general de la empresa.

Founded in 1996, Under Armour is a well-known American sportswear brand known for its innovative line of performance clothing, accessories, and footwear.

Under Armour is well-known for its dedication to innovation, and it constantly improves its product portfolio to cater to the needs of athletes and active people.

The brand offers a wide range of products, from cutting-edge footwear to high-performance apparel, all aimed at improving comfort and athletic performance.

In order to ensure wide accessibility for customers, Under Armour distributes its products through a number of channels, including retail locations, direct-to-consumer sales, and international e-commerce platforms.

The company recently started a multi-year transition to improve its operations, strategy, and financial management, setting itself up for long-term growth and heightened market presence.

Under Armour’s commitment to preserving its competitive advantage and providing outstanding value to both customers and workers is demonstrated by its continuous evolution.

What job positions can I find at Under Armour?

  • Retail positions include positions like visual merchandisers, sales workers, and shop managers. These roles are essential for managing daily store operations, providing exceptional customer service, and designing captivating in-store experiences that showcase the brand’s dedication to excellence and innovation.
  • Jobs in marketing, finance, human resources, and operations are examples of corporate roles. These positions help the organization achieve its strategic goals, which range from creating marketing campaigns and overseeing financial performance to improving employee satisfaction and optimizing operational procedures.
  • Opportunities in design and product development are concentrated on producing cutting-edge sportswear and footwear. In order to bring innovative products to market that are motivated by performance and customer insights, these jobs entail tight collaboration with research and development teams.
  • Jobs in supply chain and logistics are crucial for controlling inventories, increasing supply chain effectiveness, and guaranteeing prompt product delivery. Maintaining the seamless flow of goods from manufacturing to the buyer is mostly the responsibility of professionals in these roles.
  • Under Armour’s digital infrastructure, which includes e-commerce platforms, internal systems, and technological breakthroughs, is supported by technology and IT jobs. 

What are the benefits of being an Under Armour employee?

  • Health insurance: ensuring that workers and their families have access to essential medical treatment promotes general wellbeing.
  • Dental insurance: Dental plans assist employees in maintaining good oral health by covering significant dental surgeries as well as routine checkups.
  • Retirement Savings Plan: Offering financial security and peace of mind, a strong retirement savings plan assists workers in planning for the future.
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan: This program encourages employees to feel invested in Under Armour’s success by offering them the opportunity to buy company stock at a discounted price.
  • Maternity and Caregiver Leave: Policies that provide generous leave assist new parents and caregivers, enabling them to manage their professional development and family obligations.
  • Vacation time: Having enough vacation time allows workers to recuperate and refuel, which boosts output and contentment at work.
  • 40% off for employees: Employees may easily experience Under Armour’s cutting-edge clothing and footwear thanks to significant discounts on the brand’s merchandise.
  • Flexible work schedules: Employees are better able to balance their personal and professional lives when they have flexible scheduling alternatives.

¿Quieres aprender cómo aplicar?

If you got interested in applying to Under Armour, make sure to check out our next article!

There, not only are we going to talk about the application process at Under Armour, but also about the soft skills you can showcase in order to excel as a possible employee. Keep reading!


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