Listas y curiosidades

Récords deportivos increíbles: los logros más escandalosos de los que nunca has oído hablar

Este artículo descubre los logros alucinantes que amplían los límites de lo que creíamos posible en el mundo de los deportes.


Sports are a great source of entertainment and inspiration for people all around the world. Athletes are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible, breaking records and achieving feats that leave us in awe. 

While some of these achievements are well-known and celebrated, there are many lesser-known sports records that are equally impressive and deserving of recognition.

In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the most outrageous and impressive sports records that you’ve probably never heard of. From marathon runners who defy all odds to a basketball player who scored 138 points in a single game, these records will leave you amazed and inspired. 

Whether you are a sports fan or not, the incredible feats achieved by these athletes will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on you.

So get ready to be amazed as we delve into the world of sports and explore the most unbelievable records ever achieved. From individual triumphs to team accomplishments, these records prove that with dedication, hard work, and a bit of luck, anything is possible.

Longest tennis match ever played

In 2010, John Isner of the United States and Nicolas Mahut of France played the longest tennis match in history, lasting for a staggering 11 hours and 5 minutes over three days at Wimbledon. Isner eventually won the match 70-68 in the fifth set.

Fastest marathon while dribbling a basketball

In 2011, Zach Hird ran the Houston Marathon while dribbling a basketball in a time of 4 hours, 43 minutes, and 39 seconds, earning him a place in the Guinness World Records.

Most consecutive bullseyes in archery

In 2007, Matt Stutzman, who was born without arms, set the world record for the most consecutive bullseyes in archery, hitting 11 in a row at a distance of 15 meters.

Longest basketball shot ever made

In 2011, Thunder Law of the Harlem Globetrotters set the world record for the longest basketball shot ever made, sinking a shot from 109 feet and 9 inches away.

Highest score in a single game of bowling

In 2017, a man named Tommy Gollick bowled a perfect game of 300, but he didn’t stop there. He went on to bowl another 28 strikes in a row, setting the world record for the highest score in a single game of bowling with a score of 900.

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Most push-ups in one hour

In 1980, Minoru Yoshida of Japan set the world record for the most push-ups in one hour, completing an incredible 10,507 push-ups in just 60 minutes.

Longest time spent balancing a bike on the chin

In 2018, Amjad Khan of Pakistan set the world record for the longest time spent balancing a bike on the chin, holding a bicycle in this position for an astonishing 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 26 seconds.

Fastest hole of golf ever played

In 2012, a team of four golfers played the fastest hole of golf ever recorded, completing a hole in just 32.7 seconds, including hitting the ball and retrieving it from the hole.

Longest distance swam underwater on one breath

In 2016, Aleix Segura Vendrell of Spain set the world record for the longest distance swam underwater in one breath, swimming an incredible 244 meters (800 feet) in a single breath.

Most times climbed and descended a set of stairs in 24 hours

In 2019, British runner Dave Clark set the world record for the most times climbed and descended a set of stairs in 24 hours, completing a total of 3,054 flights of stairs or 71,502 steps.

Prepare to be amazed by the unbelievable sports records that will leave you in awe. This article has taken you on a journey through some of the most outrageous achievements in sports that you might not have even heard of.

So, the next time you watch a game or cheer for your favorite athlete, remember that extraordinary records are waiting to be shattered, inspiring us all to reach new heights of greatness.

Sobre el autor  /  Poder de Iana



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