Listas y curiosidades

TOP 10: Las aplicaciones más utilizadas por estas 5 celebridades

¡Descubre cuáles son las aplicaciones más utilizadas por los famosos en la actualidad! ¡La lista contiene aplicaciones para edición de fotos, redes sociales y entretenimiento!


Anyone these days owns a smartphone, from celebrities to ordinary people. To make it more interesting we all download apps, which can have the most diverse functions and with celebrities, it would be no different.

Most celebrities are glued to their smartphones and using their favorite apps, whether for entertainment, games, photo editing, social networks, and more.

Do you want to know which apps are most used by celebrities? We’ve made a list of the 10 most used apps by the top five celebrities in the world: Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Justin Bieber, Bella Hadid, and Jennifer Aniston.

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10 Most Used Apps By Celebrities

1.    Twitter

On Twitter, you can find not only the five celebrities mentioned above but also countless others, like Katy Perry, Eminem, and Angelina Jolie. They usually use this social network to stay connected with their fans, promote some work or just post everyday stuff.

2. Instagram

Instagram is the most used social network in the world and, therefore, is full of celebrities. In this app, they share photos and videos personal, and professional, with friends, and much more interesting content.

3. Facebook app

Facebook also brings together millions of people connected to the app daily, so celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber also use the app to stay connected with fans and spread their work.

4. Lightroom

Lightroom is an Adobe app and is one of the favorites of artists and celebrities. It became popular due to its filters, making the photos more beautiful and perfect to be posted on social networks. It allows you to make adjustments to the light, and color, change the sharpness, and several other features that made celebrities like Kylie Jenner fall in love with it and never stop using it.

5. Facetune 2 app

This is yet another very popular photo editing app and is considered by the Kardashians to be life-changing. Facetune 2, although controversial, is on the smartphone of most celebrities and allows the user to make edits to imperfections and improvements to their photos.

Some features available in the app involve whitening teeth, removing pimples, and slimming the body. It also has several filters to add to your photo and make it even more beautiful.

6. Tiktok

Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Justin Bieber, and hundreds of other celebrities are daily on TikTok producing content for their followers and watching other people’s videos. TikTok has been one of the apps that have gained the most users in recent years, becoming a real fever.

7. YouTube app

Several celebrities have already admitted to being addicted to the YouTube app, whether to post content for their subscribers or to watch videos from other channels. The huge amount of videos available on YouTube, for all tastes and preferences, is one of the reasons why the app is so popular.

8. Headspace

Bella Hadid and Jennifer Aniston already claim to be great users of the Headspace app. This app is a guided meditation used to relax and clear our minds. It has been shown that the Headspace app is capable of reducing stress by 14% in just 10 days, in addition to allowing you to work better, have better sleep, and have more focus.

9. Bitmoji

Jennifer Aniston has already claimed to be a fan of the Bitmoji app and said that she has already created emojis for herself and for other people. Bitmoji is a fun app where you can create cartoon characters (and yourself) to express your playful side. It’s a lot of fun and celebrities love it!

10. Candy Crush Saga

I bet everyone has been addicted to the Candy Crush saga at some point! The app has become one of the most downloaded games in the world and celebrities have not been left out. Several of them have already claimed to be addicted to the Candy Crush saga and that they can’t put the game down. Fun and addicting, the Candy Crush saga is on the smartphone of Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Kylie Jenner, and countless other celebrities.

Well, these were the 10 most used apps by these 5 celebrities and they show that famous people are no different from us!

Although many of them are only used for fun and leisure, some are powerful tools to promote their work and get closer to their fans.

If there is an app that you don’t already have on your smartphone, download it right now and enjoy! Most of them are available for Android and iOS.

Sobre el autor  /  Marcelo Lopes




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