
Stock vs Equity: no son lo mismo

Palabras que se usan casi como sinónimos, pero que tienen diferencias muy sutiles pero importantes. Entiéndelo de una vez por todas ahora.


Stock and equity are most of the time used as words with the same meaning. However, there are some subtle differences that are really important, especially if you are new (or even a veteran) with stocks.

In this article, we are going to be taking a deeper look into each one of these terms, so we can identify the difference and stop this misunderstanding once and for all.

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An ownership stake or portion in a corporation is referred to as equity. Those who own equity in a firm are entitled to its assets in the event of bankruptcy and liquidation, but only after any outstanding debts have been settled.

The term “equity” could also refer to something other than a company’s partial ownership.

For instance, you might have heard the phrase “building equity” used to describe making mortgage payments. In that usage, equity is referred to as a general type of ownership rather than just a part of a business.

There are two common types of equity: private equity and public equity.


Stock refers to the amount of money a business raises when it goes public, or when it lists its shares on the stock exchange in order to solicit funding from the general public in exchange for a portion of the business.

The term “stock” refers, in plain English, to the portion or share of ownership (or “equity”) that is offered to the general public in exchange for payment and is permitted to trade on stock markets.

When a stock is issued, its price is determined by a valuation process that often involves charging a premium over the face value of each stock.

The differences

As you can use, equity and stock are very similar for a person unaware. So, we are going to separate and show the main differences between these two, in order to have no more doubts.

Equity shares that are exchanged on stock exchanges are referred to as stocks. Stock exchanges do not trade shares of equity.

The whole people can participate in stocks. The general public is not involved in the trading of stocks.

Stock prices change every day depending on the supply and demand for the stock. Equity is not traded, hence there is no supply or demand, which keeps the price constant.

Multiplying the stock count by the stock price reveals the company’s market value. The book value of the company is calculated by multiplying the number of equities by the face value of equity.

A company’s balance sheet does not reveal the worth of its stock. In the company’s balance sheet, the value of equity is shown.

When determining a company’s valuation through acquisition, merger, or amalgamation, the value of its stock is taken into account. When determining a company’s valuation through acquisition, merger, or amalgamation, the value of equity is not taken into account.

Equity must compel listing on at least one stock exchange before it may be referred to as stock. Equity is not always required to be listed on stock markets.

After all, is said and done…

Hence, to summarize, it can be said that all stocks are equities, but all equities are not necessarily stocks.

For example, bonds are a type of equity, but they are not stocks. Consequently, when people talk about the stock market, they are referring to the market for stocks (i.e., equities that stock).

This might a look like an okay issue, but it is very important to understand everything clearly, since we are talking about your money and your future.



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