Listas y curiosidades

Estas son algunas de las personas más ricas de la historia de Estados Unidos

Entre las personas ricas de esta nación, estas son las más selectas. Aquí hay un artículo sobre las personas más ricas de la historia de Estados Unidos.


The United States of America is regarded as the “land of opportunity” because of how in this place, many people can fulfill their dreams and become prosperous and rich people.

No matter if you were born or emigrated, the U.S.A might be the place you will start or keep up your entrepreneurship goals.

Today, we will be looking at some of the richest people who made their fortunes in this country.

We will be focusing on older generations, so we can enrich your knowledge and understanding of new things.

Let’s dive in!

Las 5 personas más ricas de 2022

Las 5 personas más ricas de 2022 poseen negocios muy diferentes: tecnología, materias primas, ventas online y artículos de lujo.

5. Cornelius Vanderbilt

“The Commodore,” or Cornelius Vanderbilt, was an American business tycoon who amassed money through railroads and shipping.

After working for his father’s company, Vanderbilt rose through the ranks to assume leadership roles in the inland water trade and made investments in the railroad sector, which was experiencing fast growth. As a result, the landscape of the United States was significantly altered.

Vanderbilt, the patriarch of the affluent and powerful Vanderbilt family, was one of the wealthiest people in history and one of the richest individuals in general.

In order to establish Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, he gave the inaugural contribution.

At No. 10 Washington Place, where he lived, Cornelius Vanderbilt passed away on January 4, 1877, after being confined to his quarters for almost eight months.

Exhaustion brought on by prolonged suffering from a complication of chronic diseases was the immediate cause of his death.

4. J.P. Morgan

Throughout the Gilded Age, Wall Street was ruled by American financier and investment banker John Pierpont Morgan Sr.

He was the driving force behind the wave of industry consolidation in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as the head of the banking company that eventually became known as J.P. Morgan and Co.

J.P. Morgan oversaw the creation of a number of notable global firms during his time on Wall Street, including U.S. Steel, International Harvester, and General Electric, which later came under his management.

Along with numerous other American companies, including Aetna, Western Union, Pullman Car Company, and 21 railroads, he and his partners also owned controlling shares in them.

3. Henry Ford

American industrialist and business legend Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company and is credited with inventing the assembly line method of mass production.

He transformed the vehicle from a costly luxury into an affordable mode of transportation, which had a significant impact on the 20th century’s landscape, by developing the first car that middle-class Americans could purchase.

His invention of the Ford Model T vehicle transformed both American manufacturing and transportation. He rose to become one of the richest and most well-known people in the world as the owner of Ford Motor Company.

His fierce dedication to consistently reducing costs led to a number of technological and commercial advancements, including a franchising system that placed dealerships across North America and in key cities on six continents.

2. Andrew Carnegie

Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. became one of the richest persons in history in the late 19th century and oversaw the expansion of the American steel industry.

He became well-known for his philanthropic work in both the American West and the British Empire.

In the 18 years before his death, he donated almost $350 million to foundations, charities, and educational institutions.

As the owner of the largest integrated iron and steel enterprises ever owned by a single person in the United States, Carnegie made his wealth in the steel sector.

 One of his greatest inventions was the Bessemer process, which enabled the high carbon content of pig iron to be burned away during the production of steel in a controlled and quick manner.

This was one of his great achievements. Bessemer steel was quickly accepted for trains as a result of the decline in steel prices, but it was unsuitable for buildings and bridges.

1. John D. Rockefeller

American businessman John Davison Rockefeller Sr. was also a generous philanthropist.

He is usually regarded as the richest individual in modern history and the richest American of all time.

Rockefeller was born in upstate New York into a big family that traveled about a lot before settling in Cleveland, Ohio.

At the age of 16, he started working as an assistant bookkeeper. At the age of 20, he entered into his first of many business partnerships, focusing on oil refining.

 In 1870, Rockefeller established the Standard Oil Company. He served as its manager and biggest shareholder until 1897.

As kerosene and gasoline gained popularity, Rockefeller’s wealth increased.

At his height, he was the richest man in the nation and held 90% of the country’s oil reserves.

Up to the development of electricity, the entire nation relied on oil for lighting, and following the invention of the automobile, it was utilized as fuel.



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