
¿Qué tipo de acciones comprar en tiempos de recesión?

Nadie quiere enfrentarse a una recesión, pero es un ciclo inevitable del mercado. Como no podemos evitarlas, ¡es mejor saber qué hacer!


The economy is not immune to the recession. It frequently adheres to the economic cycle, an erratic but largely predictable pattern.

Before reaching a climax, expansionary periods can continue for years. The economy then experiences a period of contraction—a recession—before entering a trough before the subsequent expansion.

For investors, recessionary times can be terrible. During the contraction phase, stock market declines and corrections are frequent.

During a recession, cyclical stocks—companies in sectors especially susceptible to the economic cycle—are frequently the hardest hit.

Some stock market segments, however, are more resistant to the ups and downs of the business cycle.

They provide investors with stocks that are largely recession-proof, which they may retain during times of economic instability.

So, in this article, we are going to discuss what kind of stocks you need to be looking at if you want to prepare yourself for a recession.

¿Cómo pueden los inversores aprovechar un mercado bajista?

Un mercado bajista significa pánico para muchos inversores, pero no debería ser así. Eche un vistazo a algunos consejos sobre cómo aprovecharlo.

How to prepare: what are the best recession-proof segments?

Although in investments, past results are no guarantee of future gains, there are some segments of companies that historically perform well during the recession.

Healthcare stocks typically have a low recession risk. The majority of healthcare expenses cannot be delayed. You must visit a doctor and buy medicine if you are ill.

Even in difficult economic times, people must eat. However, customers are increasingly making more meals at home rather than going out to eat.

 Retailers of packaged foods and grocery stores typically fare well during economic downturns.

Similar to this, demand for other consumer essentials like personal and household goods tends to remain steady throughout recessions.

During recessions, demand for energy, water, garbage removal, and natural gas remains largely consistent, notwithstanding business closures and job losses.

 Throughout recessions, utilities and businesses with similar business models generate earnings that are generally stable.

During recessions, consumers often make cautious purchases. Many people start purchasing things at lower prices.

Additionally, they often do away with extra costs like hiring experts to handle regular home and auto maintenance. Instead, they frequently spend more money at car parts shops, dollar stores, and home improvement businesses.

Some examples of recession-proof stocks

Before we finish, I’m going to show two examples of stocks that were able to outperform former recessions, and the reasons for this so you can have a better understanding of what was discussed earlier

MacDonald’s Corps (MCD)

During the 2008 financial crisis, McDonald’s was one of the top blue-chip companies with the best-performing equities, and it also recovered swiftly in 2020.

 The explanations are fairly similar and simple. People become less interested in complex flavors or extensive menu options when the economy is bad.

 McDonald’s does well if the goal is to obtain a satisfying meal at a reasonable cost. McDonald’s gains when consumers cut costs.

Another unnoticed factor provides McDonald’s with special protection during economic downturns. It has a ton of real estate under its control.

Walmart Inc. (WMT)

Walmart is quite arguably an example of a good recession-proof business. That’s because the focus of its businesses is on providing consumers with cheap access to necessities like food and personal care products.

For a while, people might refrain from purchasing in upscale stores. But people frequently need to buy things like bread, toothpaste, pet food, and other basics.

 And whether they’re visiting the store or shopping on Walmart’s developing e-commerce website, they might also end up purchasing some additional luxuries.

 Although not everyone enjoys shopping at Walmart, few stores provide better value for the money.



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