Listas y curiosidades

Aquí te contamos algunas curiosidades sobre la reina Isabel II

Con una vida tan dilatada, hay algunos datos muy curiosos sobre su mujer. ¡Descubre algunos datos sobre Isabel II!


Even with her passing, Queen Elizabeth still kindles the flame of many people’s curiosity, given her extensive life.

So, in this article, we are going to be taking a look at some curiosities Your Majesty, that you may not be aware of.

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Using ration coupons from World War II, the Queen purchased her wedding gown.

Day of Queen Elizabeth II’s nuptials

British Heritage claims that the Queen had to return donations from ladies all over the UK in order to pay for the material for her wedding gown with ration coupons.


Although Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, formal celebrations didn’t begin until the second Saturday of June, following a custom that King George II established in 1748.

He was born in November, but as the weather was unfavorable for outdoor celebrations, he chose to celebrate his second birthday later in the year.


On the morning of her 1947 wedding, Elizabeth’s diamond tiara broke as it was being fastened to her veil.

 Only two hours before the performance, the headpiece—a halo of diamond-studded spikes made in 1919 for Elizabeth’s grandmother Queen Mary—was hurried to the Garrard factory under police guard and hastily put together.


When the queen was just six years old, she received a dollhouse cottage as a present.

 The Welsh people presented Princess Elizabeth with the beautiful thatched wendy house known as Y Bwthyn Bach (which translates to “Little House”) on her sixth birthday. It was positioned in the Royal Lodge grounds in Windsor.

 A miniature radio, china set, picture of the queen’s mother, books, pots and pans, brooms, and a functional telephone were all included in the scaled-down house, which was designed to resemble a typical Welsh cottage


The record for the most nations visited by a single monarch belongs to Queen Elizabeth II. On six continents, she traveled to more than 120 nations.

She visited Canada more frequently than any other country outside of the UK.


The queen was successful in getting her Scottish property exempt from a plan to reduce carbon emissions, and her household is free from rules that make it unlawful for employers to refuse to hire people on the basis of their race or ethnicity.


Following her passing on Thursday, September 8, 2022, the Queen’s coffin was topped with a wreath crafted from some of her favorite flowers, which were selected from the Balmoral Estate.

 It contained sweet peas, which were interpreted as a tribute to the late Prince Philip, the spouse of the Queen. He passed away in April 2021, and the Queen selected sweet peas for his funeral wreath as well.

 Dahlias can symbolize a long-lasting connection between two individuals, whereas flowers are frequently used to signify departures and goodbyes.


Do you recall how much the queen loved wearing those garishly colored gowns complete with matching hats?

She did, however, have a purpose for wearing vivid colors of pink, yellow, and green. It was done so she would constantly be noticed among the crowd.

She was rather petite, so wearing bright colors and pastels made her easier to see while she was out in public.


The official website of the British royal family states that as British passports are issued in Her Majesty’s name, The Queen does not need to own one.

The late Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales are the only members without passports; all other members do. Her lack of a driver’s license makes her the sole individual in the UK.



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