Listas y curiosidades

Éstas son las empresas más antiguas que existen en América.

"Construir para durar" es el lema de muchas de estas empresas. Consulta nuestra lista de las empresas más antiguas fundadas en suelo estadounidense.


The U.S.A has a long history of businesses and companies. Many of these businesses are old and traditional, dating back to the days of the colonies. These businesses helped to shape the country and make it what it is today.

Some of the most famous and successful businesses in the USA include Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon. These companies have changed the way that people live and work, and have had a huge impact on the economy. Other businesses, such as Walmart and McDonald’s, are also very successful and have become household names.

Some businesses in the USA are not only successful but also have a long history. These businesses have shaped the country and made it into the powerhouse it is today.

Here are some of the oldest existing companies in America.

Estas son algunas de las personas más ricas de la historia de Estados Unidos

Entre las personas ricas de esta nación, estas son las más selectas. Aquí hay un artículo sobre las personas más ricas de la historia de Estados Unidos.

4. Ames (1774)

This tool firm was founded in Massachusetts in 1774 by a blacksmith named Capt. John Ames.

 It currently manufactures garden hoses, reels, and professional hand tools.

The transcontinental railroad’s construction, the 1840s search for gold in California, the installation of the Statue of Liberty, the creation of Mount Rushmore, and the construction of the interstate highway system, among other historical events, were all accomplished with the aid of Ames shovels, according to the company’s website.

Griffon Corp., a management and holding corporation with headquarters in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, now owns Ames.

3. Baker’s Chocolate (1765)

According to The Bostonian Society, a physician named James Baker with a Harvard education and an Irish immigrant named John Hannon created this chocolate company in 1765, not far from Boston.

In 1772, Hannon sold his first known bar of chocolate. But in 1779, he left for the West Indies to purchase cocoa and never came back, leaving Baker to take over the company.

The business produced its first chocolate with the Baker’s brand in 1780. Later, it added cocoa powders, sweet chocolate, chocolate for creating candies, and flavored chocolate bars to its product line in addition to unsweetened chocolate.

Despite being owned by Kraft Heinz today, the business still sells a variety of goods under Baker’s name.

2. The Hartford Courant (1764)

According to the Hartford Courant website, this Connecticut-based daily was founded by printer Thomas Green in 1764 as the Connecticut Courant and is renowned for being America’s oldest newspaper in continuous publication. In fact, the Courant’s tagline, “Older than the nation,” still applies today.

The journal also features a number of noteworthy historical events. Mark Twain once attempted to purchase shares in the Courant, while Thomas Jefferson tried and failed to sue the newspaper for libel.

George Washington put an advertisement in the paper. One of the first female publishers in the nation, Hannah Bunce Watson, oversaw the publication in 1777.

Tribune Publishing is currently the owner of the Hartford Courant. In 2020, it closed its Connecticut location, although it still publishes today with a remote team.

Over 90,000 copies of the newspaper are sold during the workweek, while during 135,000 copies are sold over the weekend.

1. Caswell-Masey (1752)

In Newport, Rhode Island, Dr. William Hunter established this perfume and soap business in 1752 as a pharmacy.

According to the Caswell-Massey website, Hunter provided medicines, colognes, and personal care items to his affluent customers who resided in the neighboring cottages. The Marquis de Lafayette received a bottle of Number Six Cologne from George Washington, while Lewis and Clark carried Caswell-Massey goods with them on their long journey.

Currently, a private investment group owns Caswell-Massey, which has its headquarters in New Jersey.

Although the company currently lacks physical storefronts, it offers its products online and through a few particular third-party retailers.



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