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Old Mutual Personal Loans might be the lender that you need!

Old Mutual - Up to R200,000 in personal loans!


In South Africa, Old Mutual stands itself as a dependable and respected source of financial services when it comes to personal loans. Many advantages come with applying for a personal loan with Old Mutual. The first benefit is that you can borrow exactly the amount you need because their loan sizes range from R500 to R200,000. Second, their up to 84-month repayment periods guarantee cheap monthly installments that meet your budget.


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Furthermore, Old Mutual provides set interest rates and clear fees, ensuring financial transparency throughout the loan process. Last but not least, Old Mutual is a well-respected organization whose dependability and dedication to responsible lending make them a popular option for personal loans. If you want to learn more about the lender, make sure to take a look at both of our articles, one regarding a full review, and one focused on how to apply. Check it out!

Flexible Ammount
Affordable Terms
Fixed Rates
Transparent Fee Structure

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You have a range of repayment options, allowing for flexible and inexpensive monthly installments, from 3 months to 84 months (7 years).

Old Mutual personal loans have set interest rates, which ensures consistency over the course of the loan.

Initiation fees, monthly service fees, and credit life insurance payments are charged by Old Mutual. The loan amount and term will determine the exact fees.

Yes, you may utilize the loan amount for a variety of things, including paying for necessities, dealing with emergencies, traveling, taking care of your family, or making investments in things like education or equipment.

Yes, self-employed people who meet the requirements and provide the required evidence, such as bank statements and proof of income, may apply for an Old Mutual personal loan.

If you want to consider other lenders before deciding into applying for one of them, make sure to take a look at Mercantile Bank as well!

Not only do they work for a personalized solution based on your needs, but you can also borrow up to R200,000 with them. Take a look!

¡Revisión completa de préstamos personales de Mercantile Bank!

¡Con casi 60 años de experiencia, Mercantile es una excelente opción si necesitas un préstamo personal que se ajuste a tus necesidades!



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