¿Buscas la mejor tarjeta según tu perfil?

Nedbank Gold Credit Card might be card that you need!

Nedbank Gold Credit Card - Enjoy Rewards and travel insurance!


The Nedbank Gold Credit Card is an excellent option for discerning people because to its alluring mix of advantages and features. This credit card offers accessible financial flexibility with a low R40.00 monthly charge and an R5,000.00 minimum income criterion. Earn GreenBacks rewards on all purchases, take advantage of comprehensive travel insurance up to R2 million, and get special prices on meals and car rentals.


Permanecerás en el mismo sitio

A safety net is offered by the additional choice of credit life insurance. Enjoy 0% fees on credit card swipes, connect to multiple digital payment platforms, and enjoy tap-and-go convenience. The Nedbank Gold Credit Card can help you advance your financial journey. Check out our full review if you want more information about the card, but if you are already convinced, make sure to check out our “how to apply” article!

Rewards System
Travel Insurance
Car Hire discounts
Credit life Cover

Permanecerás en el mismo sitio

When you use your Nedbank Gold Credit Card to make a transaction, you can earn GreenBacks points.

When buying airline tickets with the card, cardholders receive travel insurance worth up to R2 million. Additionally, there are savings on eating and auto rentals.

With the Nedbank Gold Credit Card, you have the opportunity to chargeback certain transactions and receive purchase protection.

There are many platforms that the Nedbank Gold Credit Card can be connected to, such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Fitbit Pay, and Garmin Pay.

There is an R20.00 credit facility cost and an R27.00 Greenbacks linkage fee every month.

If you are a successful business owner and instead, want a card that can help with your expenses and debts, make sure to check out the Nedbank Rewards Revolve.

Not only does it have good revolving-balance payment solutions, you can also gain rewards when you pay your business expenses. Check it out!

Tarjeta de crédito Nedbank Revolve Rewards ¡Reseña completa!

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