Listas y curiosidades

Metal: Hellsinger: un juego sorprendentemente entretenido

¿Aniquilar hordas de demonios mientras te golpeas la cabeza con un poco de heavy metal? Sí, por favor. Así que prueba este increíble juego.


When we talk about some game genres, sometimes we feel that some of them might be saturated, or the innovations are lacking of that something.

Well, sometimes, we find some surprisingly pleasant surprises, like the ones we find in this game.

So, in this article, we are going to be diving deep into the game, and taking a look at what makes it so great.

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What is Metal: Hellsinger?

The simplest way to define rhythm in first-person shooters is as an unholy union of Doom and Crypt of the NecroDancer.

There aren’t many games in this emerging genre at all, yet it’s easy to notice some glaring parallels between them.

The superior soundtrack and the slower, more methodical gameplay of Metal: Hellsinger set it apart.

How the gameplay basically works:

Unlike Doom or Doom Eternal, Metal: Hellsinger’s bone-crushing musical accompaniments act as your conductor in this symphony of destruction rather than just enhancing your attacks.

 Your Fury multiplier rises when you time your attacks to the double-kicked drum beats. The longer you can sustain a string of perfectly timed hits, the more powerful your attacks become and the more points you score—sort of like a heavier version of Pistol Whip with more mobility.

 Additionally, as you continue your murdering spree, the music, which begins each level with only its most basic elements, gradually adds new layers of instrumentation until the voices begin to appear when your Fury is at its maximum and the complete song is unveiled in all its splendor.

Two Feathers, a talented musical team and game music production studio whose prior work appears in Battlefield 4 and Warhammer: Vermintide 2, wrote and performed each song.

 If you were concerned that the game might not be brütal enough, put your worries to rest because the songs are rock-solid and clearly recognizable as metal.

The guest voices, though, are the real star here.

The amazing display of metal lords on the game.

Distinct renowned metal vocalists are featured in each of the songs, which depict a different circle of Hell and the related Torments.

So, for instance, you might hear the growls and snarls of Dark Tranquility’s Mikael Stanne while traversing the frigid alpine wastes of Voke, while Randy Blythe of Lamb of God’s voice drowns out Acheron on another level. Dennis Lyxzén of Refused.

 Tatiana Shmayluk of Jinjer, Matt Heafy of Trivium, and Serj Tankian of System of a Down (in an amazing boss fight, I must say) are among the other guests.

Is there any downside?

Unfortunately, there are some. Despite the amazing first walkthrough you will find. Apart from the story mode, there isn’t much more.

There isn’t much of a reason to go through Metal: Hellsinger’s series of brief slaygrounds if I’m not personally involved in the pursuit of high score dominance.

While the locations themselves are richly portrayed, they are nevertheless architecturally similar, and your double-jump and dash abilities are fairly stock standard in comparison to the more hyper-mobile capabilities afforded in Doom Eternal.

The tunes may be unique to each setting. Since Metal: Hellsinger is all about keeping moving forward, its levels are also rather linear and appear to have few hidden objects or trinkets, other than the occasional Fury-booster pickup.

It’s frustrating that every end-level boss is really a slight variation on the same winged demon design, with the exception of the magnificent final boss battle.

They are spectacular to face at first but get monotonous with each successive appearance because their assaults vary but your approach to killing them remains the same.

The conclusion

Is the game worth buying? For sure it is, and I guess that the biggest problem with it is how good it is for such short moments.

It is understandable that assembling Metal Olympus is hard, and the game made an amazing job.

Let’s hope that for a sequel, with the hype installed and the feedback they are able to do the ultimate rhythm FPS.



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