
Cómo utilizar Google Chrome sin conexión

Aquí te ofrecemos algunos consejos útiles si tienes problemas con Internet de vez en cuando. Te damos algunos consejos útiles sobre cómo usar Google Chrome sin conexión


Google Chrome is one of the most used internet browsers worldwide. Even though it’s designed to… well, be used when the internet is online, we know sometimes there may be some connection issues that do not allow us to do that.

Regardless, Google Chrome has a variety of things to do even when it’s offline, this is an especially useful feature for those who cannot stop producing even when the internet is out.

Thinking about this, here are some things you can do when Google Chrome is offline, so you can use your time out of the internet in the best way possible.

Use e-mail offline

While on Gmail, did you know that you can still read it in offline mode, and write the replies so that when the internet comes back, they will automatically be sent? Well, you can do that with a very simple step-by-step:

  • While you’re still online, click the cog icon in the top right;
  •  Select See all settings;
  • Open the Offline tab;
  •  Check the box next to Enable offline mail

If you need to reply to your e-mails as soon as possible and suffer from some internet disconnections, this tip is especially useful for you, since you can set up all your replies before the internet returns;

That goes without saying, you will not be able to receive new e-mails until you reestablish your internet connection.

Watch videos or listen to music

If you have any videos, movies or music downloaded, but your internet connection has been long gone, you still can watch all the content you already have on Google Chrome.

Most people don’t know, but Google Chrome supports a variety of popular files, such as .MP3 and .MP4. So, if you need to watch some important video, or you have a must-listen podcast that you cannot miss, it’s a good idea to keep it downloaded. You will have no problem if your internet goes down.

Check your schedule or keep working offline

These are 2 options that you need to set up before your internet goes down. A good piece of advice here is: if you are feeling that your internet is kind of unstable, you can already switch these two features to offline, avoiding any headaches.

These features are Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Calendar, just to name a few.

Thanks to these features, imagine that you are writing a very important essay and your deadline is coming close, but unfortunately, you are having a very poor internet connection. It’s a very good idea to put your Google Docs already on offline mode (by the way, the procedure is the same as in Gmail).

With Google Calendar offline, you’ll keep on tracking your schedule without any problem, this is a very important feature for those who have a very busy agenda.

Catch up on your reading

There is a Chrome Extension called “pocket” that allows you to save some articles or internet pages for further reading later, even if you are offline.

So, it’s a good idea to keep some articles in your “pocket”, so if you have an internet problem you can catch up on your reading, using the time you probably won’t be doing to learn something new.

Internet problems suck, we know that, but thanks to Google Chrome’s offline features, we can still minimize the damages of being out of the internet. We can keep working, reading, and even entertained even if you are offline.

However, it’s important to know that some of these features need to be turned offline before your internet actually disconnects.

Therefore, the last tip would be: save this article on “pocket”, and use it whenever you feel your internet will abandon you!



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