Tarjeta de crédito

¿Cómo solicitar la tarjeta de crédito Diners Club Platinum de Standard Bank?

Si te preguntas cuáles son los requisitos y cómo es el proceso de solicitud para esta increíble tarjeta, ¡consulta este artículo!


All the information you will need to have!

If you want to travel with style, check out this card! Source: Freepik

We are pleased to welcome you to our thorough tutorial on applying for a Standard Bank Diners Club Platinum Credit Card.

The Diners Club Platinum card can be your best option if you’re looking for a distinguished credit card that gives you access to a range of exclusive features.

This exclusive credit card, provided in cooperation with Standard Bank, is intended for affluent people who like luxurious lifestyle benefits and frequent travel.

In this article, we’ll take you step by step through the application procedure to make sure you have all the data and paperwork you need to maximize your chances of getting accepted.

With the Standard Bank Diners Club Platinum Credit Card, you may open the door to a world of luxury and convenience. Start your road today to financial success and unrivaled benefits!

¿Quién puede aplicar?

The card is designed for high-income earners and people looking for special privileges and rewards during travel. The prerequisites are as follows:

  • Minimum Income: Applicants must have a yearly income of at least R500,000.00.
  • Candidates must be at least 18 years old.
  • Residents of South Africa are required to either be South African nationals or to have a current South African ID. It could be necessary for non-South African nationals to present a current passport.
  • Credit Score: To maximize the likelihood of approval, an excellent or exceptional credit score is typically preferable.
  • Proof of Income: To prove their income, applicants must submit supporting papers like recent income tax returns (IRP5), paystubs, or bank statements.
  • Utility bills or other recent residential address proof are acceptable forms of identification.
  • Additional Documents: In some situations, applicants who are living with someone else and do not have a residential address on file may be required to provide an affidavit attesting to their residency.

¿Cómo es el proceso de solicitud?


Tarjeta de crédito

SB Diners Club Platinum

Recompensas Descuentos

The travel card for people who wants exclusivity!

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Make sure you are prepared for the application process by gathering all the required documentation.

These include your most recent income tax return (IRP5) or three months’ worth of original bank statements, as well as a certified copy of your South African ID or a current passport (if you are not a citizen of South Africa).

You might require an affidavit from a resident stating your relationship and address if you don’t have salary advice.

Through the Standard Bank website or mobile app, applicants can submit their online applications for the Standard Bank Diners Club Platinum Credit Card.

As an alternative, you can go to a branch to receive specialized advice and direction.

Standard Bank will evaluate your financial situation, income source, and creditworthiness after receiving your application.

If your application is accepted, the famous Diners Club Platinum Credit Card will be issued to you, giving you access to a world of luxury and perks.

It is crucial to understand that receiving this credit card depends on careful review and compliance with the bank’s strict regulations.

In order to improve your chances of receiving this prestigious card, it is imperative to make sure you match all eligibility requirements and have all required evidence on hand.

¿Quieres ver otra opción?

Consider the Standard Bank Blue Credit Card if you’re not seeking a high-end credit card but rather a cheap credit card for everyday purchases.

This is undoubtedly one of the greatest low-cost credit cards in the nation, with global acceptance and a very flexible credit limit. Look at this!

Tarjeta de crédito Standard Bank Blue ¡Reseña completa!

People who want a credit facility that doesn't need any further modifications or complicated adjustments will find it easy with it.



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