
Aplicaciones si te gusta el diseño de jardines

La jardinería puede resultar difícil y la organización de algunas de las piezas puede ser aún peor. ¡Echa un vistazo a estas aplicaciones que pueden ayudarte!


Having a beautiful and cozy home is the goal of many people around the world. In order for this to happen, we need to plan a lot of things in the house, one of them being, sometimes, the garden.

So, in order to help people who are into garden design, we have selected some apps that you help you with the goal of a comfortable house, or if is just a hobby, it is fine too!

Aplicaciones para personas sordas y/o con pérdida auditiva

Hearing disabilities make some people's life more difficult. Luckily, we have selected some apps to help those who need them.

Armitage’s Great Garden Plants

For a few dollars, you may get access to a wealth of information from a reputable authority with this smartphone app.

The University of Georgia’s Allan Armitage, Ph.D., professor emeritus of horticulture, provides advice on the best ornamental, landscape, and even houseplants to choose from for each garden setting.

Additionally, you’ll learn about native flora, pest management, and remedies for hungry deer.

Smart Gardener

The Smart Gardener is a terrific option if you’re seeking a design tool that will assist you in organizing your garden thoroughly.

This program is gathering data about your garden, analyzes it, and then compiles an intelligent profile of it.

It helps you choose the best option for your circumstances out of more than 3000 organic types.

 It includes a garden journal and a planner schedule with your gardens’ “To Dos” to help you remember what has to be done each week, from preparing to picking.


You’ve filled your yard with beautiful plants and animals, but what now?

 Enter Smartplant, an app that can assist with plant identification but is more useful for creating a care calendar for the plants in your garden and providing individualized guidance on how to make everything thrive.

Users can interact with experts for additional advice.

Home Design 3D Outdoor and Garden

You can develop your own multi-level outdoor and garden 3D design using this program. If you want to make your landscaping project look more polished, this feature is fantastic.

You can select between the free, basic version and the more sophisticated ones, which range in price from $6.99 to $19.99, depending on your needs.

The UI is very user-friendly and makes it simple to design intricate objects. Any measurements can be changed to suit your requirements and take into account the specifics of your property.

It is compatible with both your PC and your smartphone.

Garden Tags

Plant identification and after-planting care are made simple with the help of garden tags. It has a sizable database of more than 20,000 plants, each with a description and cares instructions.

With built-in recognition and access to more than 100,000 gardeners who can assist you, identifying plants has never been simpler.

 You can use Garden Tags to create a photo diary of every one of your plants.

Also, you receive a plant to do duties so you are aware of the type of maintenance they require from you, such as trimming.


iScape is a free program, but regrettably, iPhone users are the only ones who may get it.

For a few reasons, users find it to be a very useful and highly recommended landscape design tool.

 First, it uses augmented reality to help you picture your ideal garden. You start by uploading a photo of your garden, which you may then alter whatever you choose.

Since you include an actual photo of your garden, compared to other apps on the market, the end product is the most realistic.

When the project is finished, you may either complete it yourself or have a professional make it according to your specifications.



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