Listas y curiosidades

Algunos datos curiosos sobre los perros.

¡Nuestros mejores amigos y, sin embargo, criaturas muy extraordinarias! Aquí hay algunos datos interesantes sobre los perros que quizás no conocías.


Dogs are among people’s best friends. However, even with so much love, there are some things that we do not know.

So today we are going to be presenting some curiosities about dogs that you might not be aware of.

Datos curiosos sobre Canadá.

A very interesting and cozy country Canada, but there are some facts that people aren't aware of. Check out these curiosities now!


Dogs dream just likes us. Scientists contend that canine sleep habits resemble those of humans and that small dog breeds dream more frequently than large types.

Also, dogs move around and twitch during REM sleep, just like people do. If your terrier has been twitching when he sleeps, he is most likely dreaming.


Dogs are sometimes used to sniff out drugs, explosives, and even dead corpses because their noses have millions more scent receptors than the average person and their sense of smell is between 10,000 and 100,000 times greater than yours.

 Even human cancer cells can be detected by specially trained dogs.

A dog could see just as clearly more than 3,000 miles away, according to James Walker, a former director of Florida State University’s Sensory Research


Puppies are blind and deaf from birth.

According to Psychology Today, puppies still have closed ear canals and eyes since they are in the process of development.

 After two weeks, the majority of puppies start to open their eyes and react to sounds.


In fact, dog breath is unhealthy.

Your dog’s mouth ought to smell like, well, your dog. However, the persistent foul breath may be an indication of a tooth condition or other health issues.

 If you haven’t previously, have a vet check your dog’s teeth once a year. Watch out for more typical symptoms of your dog’s illness.


This surprising fact about dogs might address a question that dog owners have been curious about for a long time.

Why do dogs’ noses always feel damp? Dog nostrils are wet so that they can more effectively absorb scent molecules, claims Vetstreet.

After their noses release a particular mucus that aids in absorbing the chemicals and aids in their identification of the smell, they lick their nostrils to taste the substances.


Scientists have discovered that the majority of dogs have the intelligence of a two-year-old child, thus your dog is just as intelligent as a toddler.

They are able to manipulate humans and other canines for rewards and can comprehend up to 200 words.

 Border collies have been discovered to be the smartest canine breeds.


Do dogs possess a sixth sense?

Numerous dog owners have amazing tales to share about how their dog seemed to possess a sixth sense.

In fact, a 2010 poll found that a whopping 67% of pet owners said their animals acted suspiciously before a storm, and as many as 43% said their dog acted unusually right before anything horrible happened.

This has been used by some epileptic people who can rely on their dog’s sixth sense to tell them when their owner is likely to have a fit.

Although it’s simple to dismiss it as superstition, it might pay to pay attention to your dog’s odd behavior.

 Scientists aren’t precisely sure why this happens. It might well save your life, you never know.


The Beatles’ “A Day in the Life” contains a frequency that can only be heard by dogs.

In a 2013 interview, Paul McCartney asserted that he added a frequency that can only be heard by dogs to the Beatles song “A Day in the Life.”

Therefore, take care of your dog while the song is playing. What interesting information about dogs, huh?



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