
Aplicaciones que te ayudarán a crear algo de tiempo libre en tu día

Si crees que tu día es demasiado corto, quizás necesites echarle un vistazo a esto. Aquí tienes algunas aplicaciones que te ayudarán a tener algo de tiempo libre.


Sometimes we feel that we don’t have… well, time! We look at our phones and watches and it looks like time passed by in a blink.

So, in order to help you rearrange your routine and other things to get some free time, here are some apps that can help you with this.

Aplicaciones de inversión para seguir acciones y noticias

¿Quiere mantenerse en contacto con las acciones que posee y gestionarlas mejor en su teléfono? ¡Mira estas aplicaciones!


You will be thrilled to learn about Rize if, at the end of the day, you feel as though you haven’t accomplished much or have no idea what you did all day.

Rize not only keeps track of the time but also offers insightful advice on how to boost focus, become more productive, and create healthier habits.

 The best part is that information is automatically entered for you; you don’t need to do this all the time.

Among many other things, you can check how many hours you’ve worked, how much of that time was spent in focus, how much time you spent jumping between contexts, and which websites distracted you the most.

 It has never been simpler to efficiently track and manage your time.


Action requires simplicity, while procrastination is the result of complexity. I adore this straightforward time management tool since it helps you prioritize your daily tasks in just a few simple steps.

To become more organized with your time and what you want to accomplish with it, make different lists and adhere to the 1 big, 3 medium, and 5 minor chores rule.

It is simpler to start and finish more jobs when they are prioritized and grouped.

MyLifeOrganized (MLO)

To-do lists and having a method for organizing your chores are two excellent time management strategies.

However, many may find them overwhelming even with different apps and techniques. MyLifeOrganized can help with this.

This task management tool assists you in determining where your attention should be directed in order to accomplish your goals.

 One of the top time management applications for focused work is MyLifeOrganized.

 It automatically creates to-do lists with the highest priorities for your immediate attention so you can meticulously track your progress.


The key to dominating your day is getting up early so you can have time for yourself and prepare for it.

 By providing you with just a few alternatives of challenges to accomplish before the alarm goes off, Alarmy makes it impossible to sleep in or hit the snooze button.

You can squat, take pictures, do the math, play memory games, and a lot more. You’ll be alert and mentally engaged by the time you’ve finished the task.

Other fantastic advantages include the ability to customize your sounds and record your emotions in order to learn more. With Alarmy, you can make more of your day.


One of the biggest time wasters is becoming distracted by our favorite website, losing track of what we are doing, or simply browsing and wasting hours of time.

Blocking the websites and apps you want and know you frequently use will help you be more productive.

You are free to block them whenever and for however long you wish.

Everyone has certain websites and programs that they can’t seem to stay away from.

 Freedom makes it easier for you to prioritize your tasks and keeps interruptions at bay. Time management is easier with Freedom.


Using optical character recognition, Evernote will not only save your notes, memos, checklists, and photographs but also make them easily searchable (OCR).

Do you still prefer a pen and paper? Take a picture of your handwritten note and upload it to Evernote for simple distribution and access.

This way, you are able to save a lot of time looking for your notes.



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