Listas y curiosidades

Agua: algunas curiosidades sobre ella

Uno de los elementos más importantes para que la vida florezca, el agua es una parte sorprendente de la ecuación de la vida. Aquí hay algunos datos al respecto.


Water is one of the most important substances on Earth.

Not only is it essential for all forms of life, but it also plays a vital role in many of the planet’s most important ecosystems.

 Here are some fascinating facts about water:

These are very interesting facts about the…

Uno de los imperios más grandes del mundo tiene algunas cosas interesantes importantes. Mira algunas curiosidades al respecto


The requirement for water is one of the few characteristics that all life on Earth shares. All living creatures have it, whether they are found in the driest desert or at the ocean’s bottom.

On Earth, water made life possible. Because of this, astrobiologists (scientists who look for life on other planets) believe that looking for water is our greatest option for discovering life.


Water is misleading. Because it is a limited resource, even if it appears to flow eternally in rivers and flows freely from the heavens, we can only use what we already have.

Only one-hundredth of one percent of the world’s water—despite the fact that there are 332,500,000 cubic miles of it on Earth—is readily usable for human consumption.

 We must learn how to treat it with respect.


In 2015, the United States consumed 322 billion gallons of water per day.

The typical American household uses more than 100,000 gallons of water annually.


There was some water in the rocky elements that made up Earth. But that most likely doesn’t explain all the water we observe now.

Mostly water ice makes up comets. It’s possible that comets frequently brought water to Earth.

Comets could have contributed much, but it would take many of them to completely fill the ocean.


Atoms typically move closer to one another to create denser materials when solids develop. Because of this, most solids float in water. However, ice or solid water is less thick than solid water. This is strange.

When water freezes, the molecules organize into rings. The extra room makes the ice less dense. It floats because of this.

This is fantastic because it keeps the remainder of the water in the body of water still and floating on top of the ice. Oceans may freeze solid if ice sank!


The World Health Organization suggests that 2 gallons per person per day be used to fulfill the needs of the majority of people in the majority of circumstances, and approximately 5 gallons per person per day be used to meet basic sanitation and food hygiene needs.


A newborn infant is 78% water. Adults are composed of 55–60% water. Almost everything our bodies do involves water. The blood supplies a significant portion of the nutrients to all of our cells.

We employ it to dispose of garbage. It aids in maintaining a healthy body temperature. Our brain and spinal cord benefit from it as a stress absorber. We rely heavily on water.


Water defies gravity in plants.

Interesting things happen to water. It has a “sticky” quality. It enjoys sticking to both itself and other objects.

Water thus crystallizes into rounded droplets. It’s not true of all liquids. This “stickiness” aids in transferring water from plant roots to leaves.

 Holding on to one another and the tube walls, water molecules in plants ascend tiny straws called xylem. As water evaporates from the topmost leaves, they are drawn upward.


Ice is a solid form of water, liquid water is a liquid, and gas water vapor is a gas. Actually, that is quite unique.

All substances have the potential to be solid, liquid, or gas, although many only do so at very high temperatures.

 Since the melting and freezing points of liquid silver and solid oxygen are temperatures that would kill us, you probably don’t see them very often.



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