¿Buscas el mejor empleo según tu perfil?

See if you are fit into working at DHL

DHL - Earn up to R 20 000 per month!


DHL offers a variety of services to both businesses and consumers and conducts business in over 220 countries and territories. Working at DHL would give you the chance to join a varied and welcoming team, gain expertise in a quickly-evolving field, and even enhance your career within the organization. Additionally, DHL is a fantastic option for those who are passionate about having a positive influence because it also emphasizes sustainability and social responsibility.


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With all that said and done, being a DHL employee is a great opportunity to be well-paid by a big company, and at the same time have the stability and opportunities to develop yourself! If you want to learn more, check out our article on how to apply for a job at DHL!

Paid leave
Company pension
Oportunidades de desarrollo

Permanecerás en el mismo sitio

According to their position and location, DHL employees' working hours may change. To meet the demands of package delivery, many workers may put in flexible or irregular hours, such as early morning or late evening shifts.

Depending on the position, different skills and degrees may be needed to work for DHL. While occupations that include operating equipment or managing operations may call for extra education or training, entry-level positions may merely require a high school diploma or its equivalent.

Through its training and development initiatives, DHL gives its employees the chance to rise within the organization. As workers gain knowledge and experience, they might be able to take on new tasks or responsibilities.

DHL has a strong commitment to workplace safety and has put in place a number of safeguards for its employees. These steps might comprise frequent safety audits, equipment maintenance and inspection, and safety training, among others.

To guarantee on-time package delivery and client satisfaction, DHL uses a network of facilities and partners throughout the world as well as logistical knowledge and technology. In order to manage shipments and address any issues that may emerge, the company uses tracking and monitoring systems, and it places a high priority on timely and accurate delivery in order to satisfy customers' needs.

If you want to take a look at another job position, you should consider Engen as a possible employer.

Engen is one of the top Oil companies in the country, and apart from the benefits, R 314 321 per year can be your salary. Check it out!

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