Listas y curiosidades

Datos curiosos sobre los gatos

Unas de las mascotas más elegantes, tranquilas e independientes son los gatos. Veamos algunos datos sorprendentes sobre este asombroso animal.


Cats are one of the most owned pets on the planet. In the eternal rivalry with dogs, people tend to choose the feline side because of how calmer and more elegant they usually are.

So, today I’m going to present some facts about cats, so you can understand more about your feline friend.

Algunos datos curiosos sobre los perros.

Our best friends and yet very remarkable creatures! Here are some interesting facts about dogs that you may haven't heard of.


This fascinating cat trivia is sure to impress at your next dinner party. The oldest pet cat existed 9,500 years ago.

Did you know that the cat was first believed to have been domesticated by the Egyptians? However, in Cyprus, a 9,500-year-old cat grave was unearthed in 2004 by French researchers.

This makes it the oldest pet cat ever discovered, at than 4,000 years older than any cat-related Egyptian artwork.


Cats’ whiskers serve an important function in assisting them with navigation, especially at night, in addition to being adorable.

Due to their close connection to the cat’s sensitive neurological and muscular systems and their deep implantation in the body, whiskers act as touch receptors (or “kitty radar”).

A cat’s whiskers allow it to detect changes in its surroundings and respond to them.


The cat door was created by Isaac Newton. Although Isaac Newton is most known for his work on gravity calculations, it’s also thought that he created the cat door.

 According to How Stuff Works, Newton’s investigations at the University of Cambridge were frequently hampered by his cats scratching at the door.

In order to make two holes in the door—one for the mother cat and one for her kittens—he summoned a Cambridge carpenter.

According to reports, the university still has these gaps.


This cat-related truth will absolutely wow you. A study found that tigers and our tiny domestic cats had 95.6% genetic similarity!

They also exhibit many of the same behaviors, including stalking and pouncing of prey, marking of scent and urine, and these.


When he went away, the oldest cat to ever live was 38 years and 3 days old.

Grandpa Rex Allen, the previous record-holder for oldest cat, died at the ripe old age of 34, and his owner Jake Perry also owned Creme Puff, who was born on August 3, 1967, and lived until August 6, 2005.

Jake Perry always does things correctly!


The Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California is dubbed the “Happiest Place on Earth,” yet the theme park is also home to a pack of feral cats that roam around freely.

 For decades, feral cats have resided in the Disneyland Resort, where they are ironically used to help control the rodent population.

Mickey Mouse needs to be careful!


A cat’s front paw may be dominant. According to studies, male cats favor their left paw more than female cats, who may favor their right paw more.

The majority of cats have 18 toes, with 5 on the front and 4 on the back. However, a disease known as polydactylism can cause some cats to be born with “additional toes.”


A Hebrew myth states that God made cats in response to Noah’s prayer for protection against rats eating the food supplies aboard the Ark.

 In response, God caused a lion to sneeze, and two cats appeared.


In addition to making, you part of their territory when your cat rubs its head against you, it does it out of affection.

 In order to do this, they make use of the smell glands on their paws, tail bases, and face.



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