
Cómo mejorar su puntuación de crédito y ahorrar miles.

Cuando hablamos de puntajes crediticios, hay algunas cosas que pueden asustarnos. A continuación, se ofrecen algunos consejos sencillos para aumentar su puntaje crediticio.


Lenders use your credit score to decide whether or not to issue a credit to you, as well as what the interest rate and other terms of the credit or loan will be.

You are less likely to be approved for loans as the lower your score. If you are accepted, the interest rate may be greater.

 For this reason, if you intend to open a credit card, obtain a personal loan or a vehicle loan, or apply for a mortgage to purchase a home, it is in your best interest to have the greatest score possible.

So, in this article, we are going to be looking at some tips that can you boost your credit score.

This way, you will be able to save some money and likely help in any kind of credit operation you might get into.

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Take a look at your bill payments.

The majority of reputable lenders rely on FICO scores. These are influenced by five different variables:

History of payments (35%)

Use of credit (30%)

(15%) Age of credit accounts

The mix of credit (10%)

(10%) new credit inquiries

As you can see, your credit score is most influenced by your payment history.

For this reason, it’s preferable that paid-off debts (like your previous school loans) remain on your record. It works to your advantage if you made on-time, responsible debt payments.

So, avoiding late payments at all costs is a straightforward strategy to improve your credit score.

 Establishing a method for filing monthly bills, either on paper or digitally, helps greatly in this task.

Another option is to put as many of your regular bill payments—or all of them—on a credit card.

 In order to avoid paying interest, this plan presupposes that you’ll pay the balance in full each month.

 If you choose this option and establish a history of on-time payments, it may make paying your bills easier and improve your credit score.

Reduce your revolving credit card debt.

You ought to pay more than the required minimum each month if you have the money to do so.

Because it helps to keep your credit utilization rate low, making progress on your outstanding debt can have a significant effect on your credit score.

It’s best if you can pay off your monthly balance as quickly as possible.

Additionally, you can pay off your balance in numerous installments throughout the course of the month to keep it low and make it simpler to keep track of your spending.

Even though paying off a portion of your debt can help, the biggest and fastest improvement to your credit score will come from paying off the entire balance.

Maintain old accounts open and make use of several forms of credit

Maintaining older accounts that are still in good standing may work to your advantage as the length of credit history is another crucial aspect in determining a credit score.

Even while you want to keep the total number of accounts under control, there are situations when closing an old account rather than keeping it open will negatively impact your score.

Since closing an old account with a balance on it directly impacts your credit utilization, doing so can also lower your score.

 Another very important aspect is the sorts of credit you are utilizing at any given time make up a lower portion of your overall score.

Lenders prefer it when borrowers can manage both loans and revolving credit, which includes credit cards.

You might want to think about getting a credit card if you don’t already have one.

And if your credit report doesn’t show any loans, you can consider getting a small personal loan to establish credit.



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