
¿Necesitas estudiar y prepararte para los exámenes? Aquí tienes algunas aplicaciones que te ayudarán con ello

Estudiar para un examen puede ser difícil, pero no tiene por qué ser más difícil de lo necesario. Aquí tienes algunas aplicaciones que pueden ayudarte a estudiar y prepararte.


Studying for an exam may look like a very complex goal to achieve, sometimes it can feel like a mountain that we need to climb bare-handed.

Add this with the pressure for the days to come, and the incredible number of things to study and you will have a very good reason for anxiety.

Luckily, we have some apps that can help us through these difficult times. When we are preparing for exams, that are some things that we need to do ourselves, it’s true.

But there is no shame in using as many tools as we have at our disposal, on the contrary, it shows how intelligent you are, and is not about just working harder, but working smarter.

With all said and done, here is a list of some apps that can help you on your path to studying and preparing properly for the test of your life.

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Google Drive

As we begin to prepare ourselves, the first steps may look like a big brainstorm. We need to set up what will we study, agendas, research notes, books, presentations, and exercises list to help us study.

Long story short, things can get really messy right from the start.

In order to help you with that, let’s kick off our list with this very simple app that is massively underrated. With Google Drive, we will be able to create, save and edit many of the documents you will be using on your journey.

Not only that, you can save it and organize it in a way that you know exactly where to look if you want to find a specific document, saving you a lot of time you will be able to use it studying.


When we talk about study techniques, one of the most popular and effective ones is the use of mind maps.

They are kind of a summary of what you have studied, but with a design that resembles how the mind works and remembers: with the main idea or topic in the center, and the ideas orbiting it. It is an exceptional tool when you are reviewing a subject.

XMind allows you not only to create and edit great mind maps but navigate them through it like a presentation.

With a plethora of tools that allow you to create great and understandable mind maps, this app is a must if you are preparing for an exam.

So, the next time you are studying a subject, you will be able to open your XMind and create an amazing mind map.

Then, let’s imagine that you are making an activity whose subject you already studied, but you feel it needs some reviewing, you will open your app and you can easily find the mind map you made regarding the subject.

This can save you a lot of time regarding the study, believe it.

My study life

Do you want an app that can organize all the important dates, tasks, and goals you need to be achieving in your journey toward approval? Well, look no further, because now you can use this amazing app.

With this app, you can set up your dates, tasks, and everything you need to be doing on your period before exams. The best part is that you can synch all this information on your phone and your computer.

This way, you will make sure to keep in touch with everything you need to be doing, regardless of where you are studying it.


This app is a must, and the best of all is that you can use it not only for studying but for working as well!

You must already have passed through this situation: you are studying and then it becomes so boring you open your social media, then you decide to open YouTube and start seeing a video.

When you finally come back from your senses, you realize that that study section was nothing but jumping from one distraction to another.

Distractions are everywhere in the modern era, sometimes it is just one click or touch away. Forest is an app where you can set up the timer of your study sessions, and with this app, you simply limit your phone access to social media and any other apps that you configure.

So, the next time you have the need to use your social media during a study (or work) session, Forest will remind you that “The harder you work, the lusher your forest becomes”, and helps you get back to focus.


As said before, success is a matter of working harder and smarter.

With these apps, you will be able to save a lot of time and focus on what really matters. This makes all the difference in the outcome of any goal.



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