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ARM might be the best place for you to work!

ARM - ₦249,433 as an average salary!


Join ARM (Asset & Resource Management), a financial giant dedicated to wealth creation and innovation, and start a fulfilling career path. Being a member of ARM entails joining a vibrant company that explores affordable housing and modern infrastructure in addition to traditional asset management.


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ARM cultivates an exceptional culture through its worldwide recognition and all-encompassing approach to employee well-being. Join this diverse financial services company to take advantage of growth opportunities, extensive benefits, and a dedication to professional development that will guarantee a successful and meaningful career.

Excellent salary
Learning opportunities
Global Benefits
Paid time off

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By providing extensive health benefits, ARM Nigeria places a high priority on employee well-being and ensures the general welfare and health of its workforce.

By giving access to learning opportunities targeted at improving skills and promoting career advancement, ARM actively supports professional growth.

In order to demonstrate its dedication to a comprehensive employee experience, ARM offers a variety of benefits across the globe, such as insurance coverage, savings and retirement plans, support for families and parents, vacation and time-off benefits, perks, and discounts.

ARM provides vacation and leave benefits to its employees in recognition of the importance of work-life balance, helping them to maintain a healthy balance.

ARM makes an investment in the professional development of its staff members to guarantee their continued competitiveness and expertise in their domains.

If you want to check out some other companies, make sure to read a little about Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX)!

Not only does it offer amazing development opportunities and it is one of the most important financial corporations in the country, you can earn up to ₦192,399 as an average salary! Take a look!

Becoming an NGX employee – ₦192,399 as an average

Nigerian Exchange Group plays a very important role in the financial landscape of the country, and comes with a lot of benefits as well!

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